Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sacred Hands

How sacred are my hands!
That touch the Heavenly Height while praying,
The trustees of my tears,
That dropped on them before the skirt,
My hands are above all
That have been making my luck,
That have been writing my future.
The line in my hand,
I kiss.
They need no support and cover,
Neither they are in the vault beyond reach,
They are free from the world of miracles,
They are unscared of talks and tales,
They are guides to Paradise,
Great wings of prayers,
How sacred are my hands!


As if stung by a nightmare,
Shaterred, wiping the meaningless dreams
Off my eyes,
Went out in the morning in quest of poverty.
I found amazement gripping me
Streets full of uncontrolled crowds,
Chattering, twittering children
Bending under the burden of backpacks,
Unaware of the doom,
In ambush waiting for them
O God! Where is the vision!
So, my face covered with the dust of dismay,
I had left my home in quest of poverty
Long lines of evildoers’ cars,
Barring my path on all sides,
Fixing me on the cross of smoke,
Went on to an unseen world,
The world of those unaware of sorrow
Of pretty, beautiful and glistening bodies
On the sideways tents of torn rags,
Crowds of urchins nearby,
Dirty, filthy women too in proximity
Beside the men in marketplace
An example of social equality.
They are totally unaware of
What the devil is poverty
That everything under the sky
Is their world
At last, shattered I returned home
As I stopped hesitantly at the doorstep,
A desolate world across
Drowned in the murky light of nights’ deceit,
Clasping poverty to the bosom
As if waiting for me
And there were unbloomed gardens of prayers,
And withering buds of hopes,
And intellect with lowered head
And the wisdom too weeping there. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Making of The New Man

Men rolling out of the hatcheries,
You’ll see one day
A mould will be made first, to be tested later
Race will be observed and colour refined
Parts will be chesilled to match with the size
Man will be making a man, quite a new one
And chains of creating the same will follow
All moulds will be smashed after that creation
Single colour, height and size; single creation and race
All unaware of the past and future,
Living in the present and dying too
Humanity, friendship, justice and security
That is, the rotten words
Knowledge, learning, teaching, altogether,
Dumped in the deepest ditch of history,
Will get rid of them
And then, there’ll be the world of stars
To fly there

The Urdu version